GO Forschung – Gender Aspects in Focus
Gender Aspects in Focus
Excellent research is geared towards the needs of all people and recognises that research results can have different consequences for different genders. The University of Bayreuth is following this approach with its new "GO Forschung" project, which was approved by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on December 18th 2023 (€850,000).

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GO Forschung – Focus on Early Career Researchers
The structural development concept "GO Forschung" aims to establish the consideration of gender aspects in research in all areas of the University of Bayreuth as a quality feature and cross-cutting issue. It aims to consolidate the gender relevance check as a standard of excellent research. The concept includes different measures. Some of these are aimed at students and early career researchers, as these are the people who will shape research, development and innovation in the future. With these target group specific individual measures and an overall strategic objective, we are pursuing our vision of a changed, equal and non-discriminatory university and academic culture in the long term with "GO Forschung".

People behind GO Forschung
You can contact the GO-Forschung team here: go-forschung@uni-bayreuth.de
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- Project: GO Forschung - Early Career Researcher im Blick (engl. GO Forschung - Early Career Researchers in Focus)
- Project management and coordination: Dr (habil.) Elena Köstner, Dr. Jane Ayeko-Kümmeth (Gender Equality Service Centre)
- Main applicants: Miriam Bauch, Dr (habil.) Elena Köstner, Stefanie Raab-Somabe, Prof Dr Birgit Weber
- GO Forschung application Team: Miriam Bauch (Gender Equality Service Centre), Angela Danner (Press, Marketing, Communication), Iris Hetz (Junior Scholar Office (WiN)), Dr Mirjam Horn-Schott (Research Funding), Dr (habil.) Elena Köstner (Gender Equality Service Centre), Stefanie Raab-Somabe (Gender Equality Service Centre), Prof. Dr Heike Feldhaar (University Women's Representative)
- GO Forschung advisory board: Shirin Assa, Rebekka Endler, Dr Dagmar Höppel, Dr Meike Lauggas, Nerissa Schwarz, Gabriele Zedlmayer
- Project duration: January 1st 2024 to December 31st 2028
- Funding: German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), funding line for the promotion of structures for the systematic consideration of gender-related aspects in research questions ("Gender Aspects in Focus")

Logo GO Forschung and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)