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Workshop for (new) professors and Heads of Department Modul 1: „Gender and diversity sensitive personnel selection procedures and team leadership“

09/10 October 2025
Alexander von Humboldt-Haus, Gästehaus der Universität Bayreuth, Eichendorffring 5, 95447 Bayreuth


Dr. Anette Hammerschmidt (www.crosscultural-orientation.com)


Thursday, 09 October 2025 from 2 to 6 pm

Friday, 10 October 2025 from 9 am to 4.30 pm (break of 1,25 h included)


to be announced


Professors and Heads of Department


When leading teams or evaluating people in the university context like applicants, we face various challenges when taking tenets like excellence as well as diversity seriously and acting accordingly. The present workshop provides insights on research findings and best practice-examples on how to include knowledge of gender, diversity, and implicit biases in personnel selections and team leadership. Why is that important? In the process of evaluating individuals or decision making within groups, our brain tricks us with implicit biases or group effects alter decisions in an unfavorable way. For instance, the more similar people are like us, the better we evaluate or the likelier we hire them (similarity bias); this would result in homogeneous teams. However, heterogenous teams are more innovative, have a higher collective intelligence or produce scientific papers with more citations. In this workshop, not only various examples of implicit biases on the individual as on the group level are presented; also bias management strategies and measures on how to reduce such biases are offered and the application of them is discussed.

Your takeaways:

  • You receive a compact overview of implicit biases, gender & diversity knowledge being especially relevant for the university context
  • You understand the practical impact and risks of individual and group level biases for personnel selection decisions and team work
  • You know about bias management strategies and we discuss how to apply those to contexts being relevant for you as a team leader in academia

The instructor will present research results and best practice examples. On that basis, participants learn via university examples to recognize these biases. By means of group tasks and discussions, participants are invited to transfer the presented best practice knowledge and bias management strategies to their very own practice.


  • Introduction to gender equality, diversity and anti-discrimination policies of the University of Bayreuth at the beginning of the Workshop (by the Women's Representative of the University)
  • Following the workshop a 1.5-hour individual coaching session with the trainer/coach is possible



The workshop is free of charge. The costs are covered by the university governing board.

Miriam Bauch, Head of Gender Equality Service Centre (miriam.bauch@uni-bayreuth.de oder    chancengleichheit@uni-bayreuth.de)

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Kerstin Müller

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