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Farewell & Welcome Event des Programms CoMento
30. September 2021 (14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr)
via ZOOM
Leitung: | Dr. Elena Köstner, Koordinatorin Coaching & Mentoring |
Termin: | 30. September 2021, (14.00–16.00 Uhr) |
Ort: | über Zoom |
Zielgruppe: | For participants of the programme CoMento only. |
Inhalt: | Am 30. September 2021 findet von 14.00 bis 16.00 das digitale Farewell & Welcome Event des Programms CoMento statt, d.h. die dritte Runde der Teilnehmerinnen wird verabschiedet und die vierte Runde wird begrüßt. |
2 pm Come Together | informal exchange amongst participants & alumnae in breakout rooms
2.30 pm Welcome | Dr. Elena Köstner, Coordination coaching and mentoring programmes
Greetings | Gender Equality and Internationalisation | Dr. Nicole Kaiser, Provost of the University of Bayreuth
Greetings | Why supporting women through mentoring programmes? | Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wöhrl, Acting Head, Chair of Biopolymers & Women‘s Representative of the University of Bayreuth
3 pm Keynote | Navigating the self through academia | Prof. Dr. Katrin Losleben, Centre for Women‘s and Gender Research, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Discussion with the audience | How can CoMento be suportive for women in academia?
The most important tips from your mentors or coaches? What do you want to pass on to the CoMentos IV?
3.55 pm Closing remarks | Farewell to the CoMentos III and Welcome to the CoMentos IV
4 pm End of the event
Anmeldung: Bei Interesse am Seminar wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an die Referentin für Coaching und Mentoring, Elena Köstner (elena.koestner@uni-bayreuth.de)