GO Forschung Advisory Board

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The GO Forschung advisory board consists of experts from the fields of science, business and society. They support the project with an outsider perspective and help its execution, the further development of strategies and transfers as well as its sustainability.
- Shirin Assa; PhD student at UBT, expert for intersectionality studies, activist (academia, society)
- Rebekka Endler; journalist, author, podcaster and former cooperation partner for the project “Eine Uni – ein Buch” (society)
- Dr Dagmar Höppel; chairwoman Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at universities and academic institutions in Baden-Württemberg (LaKoG) and spokeswoman Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten (bukof) (academica)
- Dr Meike Lauggas; trainer, coach, organisation consultant and lecturer (business, academia)
- Nerissa Schwarz; equal opportunities officer for the city of Bayreuth (society)
- Prof Dr Birgitta Wöhrl; biologist, professor and former gender equality officer of the university (academia)
- Gabriele Zedlmayer; social innovator and president of the HypoVereinsbank women’s advisory board (business)
The advisory board meets up to two times a year to discuss current issues.