GO Forschung Award

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Furthermore, the GO Forschung Award is bestowed to the best student thesis at the University of Bayreuth, which qualifies the student for a PhD (e.g. Master thesis). The student thesis has to fulfil at least one of the following two criteria:
- The thesis examines gender, gender relations and/or gender roles in an intersectional approach.
- The thesis contains a systematic, intersectional gender relevance check of the research object.
We welcome applications from research fields, in which the discussion of gender and gender relations or the implementation of gender relevance tests are not (yet) standard; this will be evaluated positively. The GO Forschung Award is bestowed with 500€ price money and the winner will be announced at the yearly GeQuInDi event during the winter semester.The closing date for applications is 30 October 2025.
You can apply for the GO Forschung award online!
Contact: Dr. (habil.) Elena Köstner
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In 2024 the yearly GeQuInDi event is held on November 27th 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We are looking forward to a Keynote by Prof Dr Christine M. Klapeer, professor for Political Science with a special interest in Gender Studies of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Title of the Keynote is: „This is not a back lash!? Intersektionalität, Anti-Gender Politiken und die Krise(n) der Demokratie“.