Coaching Programme for Women in Academia: Individual Coaching
The Gender Equality Service Centre supports women in academia with a coaching programme, which specifically aims at PhD candidates, PostDocs, Habilitandinnen and female professors. The individual coaching will still remain side by side with the group coaching and the programme CoMento (Coaching and Mentoring).

What is coaching?
Coaching is a professional and process oriented form of consultation. It opens up space for self-reflection and the reflection of topics and questions related to one's professional role and professional identity. The goal is the development of personal, social, methodological and strategical competences concerning the professional development and practice.
Which topics can be focused?
- Communication in the working environment, the handling of conflicts
- Handling stress
- Support during career relevant challenges
- Questions concerning a research project
- The own role as a woman in academia
- Strategies for career planning
- Collaboration at the workplace
- Self-presentation during job interviews or speeches
- Assumption of leadership responsability
- Work-life-balance
How does the coaching take place?
After being accepted for the coaching programme, each participant has the opportunity to benefit from five free of charge single coaching meetings à 90 minutes in the course of one year. Following this phase of single coaching meetings, the participants can take part in a group coaching with a qualified coach.
How do I register?
For the application please send a letter of motivation (max. 1 DIN A4 page) and your CV in German or English as one PDF to the coordinator for the coaching & mentoring, Miriam Bauch. She also provides further information on the programme. Please use for your application the language guide for the University of Bayreuth.
Who are our coaches?
Here you will find a overview of the supervisors and coaches of our coaching programme.